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COBOL targets failed to compile or link


After deploying files from MP5, the COBOL programs must be compiled. However, some files do not compile:

E:tempcompile>set PS_HOME=E:PSOFTFS900
E:tempcompile>set COBROOT=E:cobolBase
E:tempcompile>cd /d E:PSOFTFS900setup
E:PSOFTFS900setup>cblbld E: tempcompile

ASCII Cobol Compilations Proceeding
Logging progress to file E:tempcompileCBLBLD.LOG
COBOL compiler found in E:cobolBase
Target directory (E:PSOFTFS900CBLBINA) exists and is writable

Copying source files …

Building the COBOL targets …
File(s) that failed to compile or link:
Compile error for CPPIPRDN.obj
Compile error for INPFVALD.obj
Compile error for INPGPROC.obj
Compile error for INPGREPL.obj
Compile error for INPJIURV.obj
Compile error for INPPPROC.obj
Compile error for INPTVALD.obj
Compile error for INPVPROC.obj
Compile error for INPVVALD.obj
Compile error for INPZPWFB.obj
Compile error for SFPBPCFG.obj
Compile error for SFPDCDRV.obj
Compile error for SFPDCOMP.obj
Compile error for SFPDCVAL.obj
Compile error for SFPDISUE.obj
Compile error for SFPSGBRC.obj
Compile error for SFPSUPDT.obj
Compile error for SFPSVALD.obj
The error list is in E:tempcompileERROR.LIS
Aborting this process !!! EXEs/GNTs/INTs are not going to be copied/replaced…
Please fix the errors and rerun this batch file !!!!!!!


The problem is with COBOL compiles, where if the customer doesn’t have all the products licensed when we compile the COBOLs from recent Maintenance Packs we get errors. This is due to the fact that CA is not looking at the licensed products or dbcodes to validate licensed products. Therefore errors are displayed during the compilation as copybooks are not supplied for the non licensed products.

Here’s an example list of the COBOLs that don’t compile:

Here’s a copy of what’s in the dbcodes.ep:
EP PeopleSoft FIN/SCM Database
EP PeopleSoft FIN/SCM Demo Database
AM PeopleSoft Asset Management
CM PeopleSoft Cash Management
CO PeopleSoft Common Objects
TR = PeopleSoft Deal Management
EO = PeopleSoft Enterprise Components
EPO = PeopleSoft eProcurement
GL = PeopleSoft General Ledger
AP = PeopleSoft Payables
PO = PeopleSoft Purchasing

Not Applicable


Tools incident 714685000 was created. The incident is considered to be an enhancement for change assistant in a tools versions greater than 8.45.

If the customer does not have licenses for the modules related to the cobol files that are failing, they can ignore the compile errors. If they do not want to ignore the error messages, they can remove the erroring files from the src directory (move them to another directory) and run compile again.


E-CA Change assistant not checking the license before compiling the cobols (Doc ID 623178.1)

Compiling COBOL Programs Using cblmake

set COBROOT=”C:Program FilesMicro FocusNet Express 5.0Base”
E:PSOFTFS900srccblwin32cblmake FSP*
E:PSOFTFS900srccblwin32cblmake GLP*

Note that the above commands assume that the current working directory is the directory with the COBOL programs. It may be a good idea to run the cblmake, after running cblbld and the current working directory is that with the output of the cblbld programs (e.g. E:tempcompile_20081223b).

Compiling COBOL Programs using cblbld

In Command Prompt, run the following commands:

set COBROOT=E:cobolBase
cd /d E:PSOFTFS900setup
cblbld E: tempcompile_20081223a

set COBROOT=”C:Program FilesMicro FocusNet Express 5.0Base”
cd /d E:PSOFTFS900setup
cblbld E: tempcompile_20081223b


After compiling, the following is displayed:

File(s) that failed to compile or link:
Compile error for FSPCTADJ.obj
Compile error for FSPYCLOG.obj
Compile error for GLPCEARN.obj
Compile error for GLPCIPNL.obj
Compile error for GLPCPROC.obj
Compile error for GLPOELIM.obj
Compile error for GLPPBKCD.obj
Compile error for GLPPINWK.obj
Compile error for GLPPRVRS.obj
Compile error for GLPPUNPS.obj
Compile error for PTPSQLGS.obj
The error list is in E:tempcompileERROR.LIS
Aborting this process !!! EXEs/GNTs/INTs are not going to be copied/replaced…
Please fix the errors and rerun this batch file !!!!!!!


Check the CBLBLD.LOG file for details:

The E:tempcompileERROR.LIS file showed:

Compile error for FSPCTADJ.obj
Compile error for FSPYCLOG.obj
Compile error for GLPCEARN.obj
Compile error for GLPCIPNL.obj
Compile error for GLPCPROC.obj
Compile error for GLPOELIM.obj
Compile error for GLPPBKCD.obj
Compile error for GLPPINWK.obj
Compile error for GLPPRVRS.obj
Compile error for GLPPUNPS.obj
Compile error for PTPSQLGS.obj

Check the list file for the above files:


The above COBOL programs exceed the 2200-line limit for the free version of Micro Focus Cobol Net Express Edition, and so cannot be compiled.

Distribution Status stays at Posting


When processes submitted, status remains at “Posting”.


Navigate to PeopleTools > Process Scheduler > Report Nodes

Create a new Node Name e.g. FSDMO1.
Under Distribution Node Details, set the URL: http://GLWebApp:8000/psreports/fsdmo
Set Description: FSDMO Reporting Node
Set Operating System: NT/Win2000
Under Connection Information, set Network Path: \glwebappe$psreports

Navigate to PeopleTools > Process Scheduler > Servers

Click Search, and then click PSNT.
Click the Distribution tab.
Under Server Distribution Details, in Distribution Node Name, enter FSDMO1.

Customizing Fixed Assets Manager

1. Navigate to System Administrator > Application > Menu.
Query FA_MAIN in the User Menu  Name field.
Note the values in the Menu, User  Menu Name, Menu Type and Description fields.

2. Clear the form and enter a new menu.
In the Menu and User Menu Name  fields, enter CUSTOM_FA_MAIN.
Enter the same Menu Type (Standard)  and enter a new description (Custom Main menu for Oracle Assets).
Enter the original menu name as a  submenu of the custom menu. Then click Save.

3. Navigate to System Administrator > Security > Responsibility > Define
In the Responsibility Name field, query Fixed Assets Manager.
Note the Responsibility Name,  Application, Responsibility Key, Description, Data Group Name, Menu and Request Group Name.

4. Clear the form and enter a new responsibility. Enter a new Responsibility Name, Responsibility Key and Description.
The Menu must be the custom menu  created above. The Application, Data Group Name and Request Group Name fields remain the same.
Under Menu Exclusions, choose Menu and select the FA_SETUP_MAIN menu.
Then click Save.

5. Navigate to System Administrator > Security > User > Define
To add the custom responsibility to a user, query the user.
Under Direct Responsibilities, insert the custom responsibility.
Then click Save.

Note that the menu exclusion for the Fixed Assets Manager was included (FA_PURGE) in the new
responsibility Custom Fixed Assets Manager, so that additional functionality would not appear in this new

Running Oracle Configuration Manager

Download Oracle Configuration Manager from Metalink > Software Configuration Manager, and copy to the server.


Note: source database tier environment file.

1. Unzip the Oracle Configuration Manager distribution file into the ORACLE_HOME directory as follows:

unzip -d $ORACLE_HOME ocm-Production-Linux-i386.zip

2. After the file has been unzipped, install and complete the configuration of Oracle Configuration Manager by entering the following command:

$ORACLE_HOME/ccr/bin/setupCCR -s  xxxxxxxx vasudev.seeram@emaildomain.com TT

where xxxxxxxx is your CSI number

3. To configure the database for configuration collection, run the following script:

$ORACLE_HOME/ccr/admin/scripts/installCCRSQL.sh collectconfig -s TEST -r sys -p syspassword

4. To configure an Oracle E-Business Suite, run the following script from the $ORACLE_HOME:

$ORACLE_HOME/ccr/admin/scripts/installCCRSQL.sh ebs_collectconfig -u apps -w appspassword -s TEST

5. To check status of Scheduler:

$ORACLE_HOME/ccr/bin/emCCR status

6. To start the Scheduler:

$ORACLE_HOME/ccr/bin/emCCR start

7. To manually collect data for the instance and upload it:

$ORACLE_HOME/ccr/bin/emCCR collect



Unable to mount NFS share


When mount -t nfs ebusinesstest:/u0/oracle/testdata /mnt/testdata/ executed, the following error is returned:

mount: mount to NFS server ‘ebusinesstest’ failed: RPC Error: Program not registered.



service nfs restart

on source and target machines.

Configuring NFS to copy files

Configuring NFS to copy database files from PROD to TEST (Cloning)


Need to configure NFS to copy files from PROD to TEST.


On ebusinesstest (TEST) server, use the NFS tool to create the /etc/exports file with the following data:

/u0/oracle/testdata      *(rw,sync)

On ebusiness (PROD) server, log on as the root user and mount the exported directory:

mkdir /mnt/tempdata

mount -t nfs ebusinesstest:/u0/oracle/testdata /mnt/testdata/


This document shows how to use JavaKey.

  1. To display help for javakey, enter the command without any parameters:
 [applmgr@ebusinesstest u0]$ javakey
        l       list of the identities in the database.
        c       create an new identity.
        r       remove an identity from the database.
        i       import a public key, a key pair, etc.
        g       generate a key pair, a certificate, etc.
        d       display a certficate.
for more information, see documentation.
[applmgr@ebusinesstest u0]$
  1. To list all identities in the database, enter javakey l:
[applmgr@ebusinesstest u0]$ javakey l
Scope: sun.security.provider.IdentityDatabase, source file: /home/applmgr/identitydb.obj
[applmgr@ebusinesstest u0]$
  1. To create a new identity in the database, enter javakey c <newidentity>:
[applmgr@ebusinesstest u0]$ javakey c TestVS1
Created identity TestVS1[identitydb.obj][not trusted]
[applmgr@ebusinesstest u0]$ javakey c OracleApplications
An error occured trying to add OracleApplications to sun.security.provider.IdentityDatabase, source file: /home/applmgr/identitydb.obj[name conflict]
[applmgr@ebusinesstest u0]$

Journal Wizard: Viewer application profile is not set.

Problem: When creating a document in Journal Wizard, an error is displayed: Viewer application profile is not set.

Solution: Set the ‘GL : Default Desktop Viewer’ to a value.

Step 1:        To reproduce the error:

  1. (N) General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) > Journals > Launch Journal Wizard
  2. Click (B) Create Document

Viewer application profile is not set.

Step 2:        Open the Find System Profile Values form:

(N) System Administrator > Profile > System

Step 3:        Find the profile ‘GL : Default Desktop Viewer’.

Step 4:        Enter a value for the ‘GL : Default Desktop Viewer’, such as Excel 2000, Excel 2002, Excel 2003 or Excel 97.


Metalink Doc ID:  Note:459431.1 (Subject:  Launch Journal Wizard Fails With Viewer Application Profile Is Not Set)