Tag Archives: Product Patch

PeopleSoft HR 8.9 Installation Steps

Hardware/Software Specifications

Server Hostname

Server Description IP Address
GLWEBAPP GL Web & App Server 10.x.x.x
GLDBASE GL Database Server 10.x.x.x

The machines that were used in the installation of the PeopleSoft test environments were Dell PowerEdge 2950.

The operating system for both servers was Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition Service Pack 2.

The GLDBASE machine shall house only the database server software (Microsoft SQL Server 2005).

The GLWEBAPP machine shall house all the other server software:

  • File Server (PeopleTools)
  • Application Server (Tuxedo)
  • Web Server (IBM WebSphere)
  • Batch Server

These two servers were accessed remotely using Remote Desktop Connection. Local administrator accounts were set up on these two machines. The username for these accounts were ProjAdmin1, ProjAdmin2 and ProjAdmin3.

Installation Sequence

The following steps were performed in this sequence to install the PeopleSoft Demo instance:

 PeopleSoft Demo Installation (FSDMO)

  1. Install SQL Server [ok 10-Nov-08]
  2. Install PeopleTools 8.49 on Database Server [17-Nov-08]
  3. Install PeopleTools 8.49 on Application Server [ok 11-Nov-08]
  4. Install Application (Financials) on Database Server [ok 17-Nov-08]
  5. Install Application (Financials) on Application Server [ok 11-Nov-08]
  6. Install Tuxedo (Application Server) [ok 11-Nov-08]
  7. Install PeopleTools 8.49.15 Product Patch on Database Server [ok 17-Nov-08]
  8. Install PeopleTools 8.49.15 Product Patch on Application Server [ok 12-Nov-08]
  9. Install IBM WebSphere (Web Server) [ok 11-Nov-08]
  10. Create Database Manually [ok 18-Nov-08]
  11. Shutdown, Backup Database After Creating
  12. Install PIA for WebSphere (fsdmo) [ok 18-Nov-08] [reinstall WebLogic 28-Nov-08]
  13. Create Application Domain [ok 18-Nov-08]
  14. Install PeopleTools PeopleBooks [ok 18-Nov-08] [reinstall 1-Dec-08]
  15. Install Application PeopleBooks [ok 18-Nov-08] [reinstall 1-Dec-08]
  16. Create Process Scheduler [ok 18-Nov-08]
  17. Apply Maintenance Pack 5 (Financials)

PeopleSoft Demo Installation (FSDEMO)

This FSDEMO installation shall be a plain-vanilla installation (without MP5).

  1. Install SQL Server [already installed]
  2. Install PeopleTools 8.49 on Application Server [ok 15-Dec-08] [E:PSOFTFSDEMO]
  3. Install PeopleTools 8.49 on Database Server [ok 15-Dec-08] [D:PSOFTFSDEMO]
  4. Install Application CDs (Financials) on Database Server [ok 15-Dec-08]
  5. Install Application CDs (Financials) on Application Server [ok 15-Dec-08]
  6. Install PeopleTools 8.49.15 Product Patch on Database Server [ok 15-Dec-08]
  7. Install PeopleTools 8.49.15 Product Patch on Application Server [ok 15-Dec-08]
  8. Install Tuxedo CD (Application Server) [already installed in E:bea]
  9. Install IBM WebSphere CD (Web Server) [already installed in E:IBMWebSphere]
  10. Create Database Manually [ok 18-Nov-08]
  11. Shutdown, Backup Database After Creating
  12. Install PIA for WebSphere (fsdmo) [ok 18-Nov-08] [reinstall WebLogic 28-Nov-08]
  13. Create Application Domain [ok 18-Nov-08]
  14. Install PeopleTools PeopleBooks [ok 18-Nov-08] [reinstall 1-Dec-08]
  15. Install Application PeopleBooks [ok 18-Nov-08] [reinstall 1-Dec-08]
  16. Create Process Scheduler [ok 18-Nov-08]
  17. Apply Maintenance Pack 5 (Financials)

PeopleSoft Sys Installation

  1. Install SQL Server [ok 10-Nov-08]
  2. Install PeopleTools 8.49 on Database Server [17-Nov-08]
  3. Install PeopleTools 8.49 on Application Server [ok 11-Nov-08]
  4. Install Application (Financials) on Database Server [ok 17-Nov-08]
  5. Install Application (Financials) on Application Server [ok 11-Nov-08]
  6. Install Tuxedo (Application Server) [ok 11-Nov-08]
  7. Install PeopleTools 8.49.15 Product Patch on Database Server [ok 17-Nov-08]
  8. Install PeopleTools 8.49.15 Product Patch on Application Server [ok 12-Nov-08]
  9. Install IBM WebSphere (Web Server) [ok 11-Nov-08]
  10. Create Database Manually [ok 18-Nov-08]
  11. Install PIA for WebSphere (fsdmo) [ok 18-Nov-08]
  12. Create Application Domain [ok 18-Nov-08]
  13. Install PeopleTools PeopleBooks [ok 18-Nov-08]
  14. Install Application PeopleBooks [ok 18-Nov-08]
  15. Create Process Scheduler
  16. Install Crystal Reports (on Workstation)
  17. Install Change Assistant
  18. Apply Maintenance Pack 5 (Financials)


The SQL Server software must be installed before the PeopleTools.

PeopleTools Product Patch must be installed before PIA.

Step 1: SQL Server Installation

The Microsoft SQL Server 2005 DVD was staged (that is, copied) to D:stagingSQLServer2005 on the GLDBASE machine. After staging, setup.exe from D:stagingSQLServer2005Servers was run.

By default, the following required components were installed prior to installing SQL Server:

  • .NET Framework 2.0
  • Microsoft SQL Native Client
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup Support Files

These components were installed to C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server by default.

The other SQL Server components were installed to D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server. These components are:

  • Database Services
    • Data Files
    • Replication
    • Full-Text Search
    • Shared Tools
  • Client Components
    • Connectivity Components
    • Management Tools

The Microsoft SQL Native Client (SNaC) must also be installed on the GLWEBAPP machine in which PeopleTools is installed. To do so, share the D:staging directory on GLDBASE ( From GLWEBAPP, navigate to \10.x.x.xstagingSQLServer2005Servers. Then run setup.exe.

Allow the required components to install (.NET Framework 2.0, Microsoft SQL Native Client and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup Support Files). Continue the installation and install the Connectivity Components on GLWEBAPP.

Step 2: File Server (PeopleTools) Installation

It was necessary to install up the SQL Server Connectivity Components on the GLWEBAPP because the SQL Server Connectivity Program Directory must be specified as part of the installation.

The seven PeopleTools CDs were staged to the E:stagingCDImages

Note that you MUST install PeopleTools on both nodes.

The following values/options were set as part of the PeopleTools installation on the peoplesoft4hr node:

Variable Value
PeopleSoft (PeopleTools) License code z66smq-22c7mc-3w444e1-2is234-81p1f7
Type of Database Non-Unicode Database
Peoplesoft Application Server Checked
Peoplesoft Batch Server Checked
Peoplesoft Database Server Checked
Peoplesoft File Server Checked
Peoplesoft Web Server Checked
PS_HOME Drectory Name E:PSOFTHR900
ERP Connectors? No
Connectivity Program Directory C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server80Toolsbinn
Install PeopleTools Icons? Yes
PeopleTools Program Group Folder PeopleTools 8.4
Environment Hub machine name Peoplesoft4hr
Environment Hub Port Number 8000
PeopleTools (Product Installation) Checked
PeopleTools System Database Checked
PeopleTools Language Pack Not checked
PeopleTools Language Development Kit Not checked

Step 3: Application Installation

To install the PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources Management System and Campus Solutions 9.0 (HR) application, the disk was obtained from the CD. It was unzipped (“exploded”) and staged to the F:stagingcd849-HR directory, in the disk1 directory.

To install the Financials application, navigate to F:stagingcd849-HRdisk1 directory and run setup.exe

The following values/options were entered

Variable Value
PeopleSoft (HRMS) License code
Type of Database Non-Unicode Database
PeopleSoft Application Server Checked
PeopleSoft Batch Server Checked
PeopleSoft Database Server Checked
PeopleSoft File Server Checked
PeopleSoft Web Server Checked
PS_HOME Directory Name E:PSOFTFS900

Step 4: Application Server (Tuxedo) Installation

The Tuxedo 9.1 CD (Windows version) was staged to E:stagingCDImagescd849-Tuxdisk1 on the GLWEBAPP server. To install Tuxedo, run pstuxinstall.exe. This brings up a console interface (as opposed to a GUI wizard).

The following prompts appeared when psstuxinstall.exe is run:

1 file(s) copied.

1 file(s) copied.

BEA Home being defaulted to C:\bea  (y/n)? [y]: n

Please provide a BEA Home: E:\bea

Tuxedo 9.1 will be installed to E:\beaTuxedo9.1  (y/n)? [y]: <Enter>

TListen port being defaulted to 3050  (y/n)? [y]: <Enter>

Accept default TListen password ‘password’  (y/n)? [y]: <Enter>

Are you happy with your selections (y/n)? [y]: <Enter>

Tuxedo 9.1 is being installed on your system….

Tuxedo 9.1 base install completed.

Stopping Tuxedo 9.1 Services…

The TListen 9.1 (Port: 3050) service is stopping..

The TListen 9.1 (Port: 3050) service was stopped successfully.

The BEA ProcMGR V9.1 service is stopping.

The BEA ProcMGR V9.1 service was stopped successfully.

Patch installation completed.

Please note that you must reboot your system before using any Tuxedo 9.1 or PeopleSoft applications.

Press any key to continue…

After installing Tuxedo, the GLWEBAPP server was rebooted remotely.

Step 5: Web Server (WebSphere) Installation

The two IBM WebSphere CDs (Windows version) were staged to the E:stagingCDImagescd849-WebSphere directories, in the disk1 and disk2 directories.

To install IBM WebSphere, navigate to disk1 and run installWAS.bat.

Install to E:IBMWebSphereAppServer

For Environments, choose None, then click Yes to accept the choice.

In the Summary screen, click Next.

Uncheck the Create a new WebSphere Application Server profile, and then click Finish.

Step 6: PeopleTools 8.49.15 Product Patch Installation

Check Customer Connection (now Metalink3 at http://metalink3.oracle.com) for the latest PeopleTools 8.49 Product Patch. As at this time, the latest PeopleTools Product Patch for version 8.49 is 8.49.15.

Download this patch 84915.exe from:


(The password for 84915.exe is ‘MisterEd’)

Run 84915.exe and unzip the file to E:stagingCDImages. It automatically creates the cd84915 directory and unzips the file.

From E:stagingCDImagescd84915disk1, run setup.exe. It updates PS_HOME (E:PSOFTFS900) with the updated files.

Step 7: Pure Internet Architecture (PIA) Installation

To create the PIA, change directory to E:PSOFTFS900PsMpPIAInstall and run setup.exe

Install PIA to the IBM WebSphere web server, located in E:IBMWEBSPHEREAppServer.

Application name and web site name should be set to the name of the environment e.g. fsdmo. Create a Multi Server installation, not a Single Server installation.

Note that the port numbers for http and https must not be consecutive.

Web Profile Name, User ID and Password should remain the default.

The Report Repository should be set to E:psreports.

The installation process takes about ten minutes to complete.

PeopleSoft HR 8.9 Installation Checklist

1. Install SQL Server

2. Install SQL Server Native Client

3. Stage PeopleTools 8.49 CDs on F:stagingpt-849

4. Install PeopleTools 8.49 on peoplesoft4hr (E:PSOFTHR900)

5. Install Application (Human Resources) on peoplesoft4hr

6. Install Database Manually

7. Task B-1: Running Server Configuration Scripts

8. Task B-2: Creating a Database

9. Task B-3: Configuring ODBC Data Source

10. Task B-4: Running ADDOBJ.SQL

11. Task B-5: Setting Up Connect ID

12. Task B-6: Creating Data Mover Import Scripts

13. Task B-7: Running Data Mover Import Scripts

14. Task B-8: Updating Database to Latest PeopleTools Release

15. Task B-8-2: Updating PeopleTools System Tables

16. Task B-8-3: Updating PeopleTools Database Objects

17. Task B-8-5: Deleting Obsolete PeopleTools Database Objects

18. Task B-8-6: Altering PeopleTools Tables

19. Task B-8-7: Updating PeopleTools System Data

20. Task B-8-8: Running PeopleTools Conversions

21. Task B-9: Running Additional Data Mover Scripts

22. Task B-11: Running VERSION Application Engine Program

23. Task B-12: Changing the Base Language

24. Task B-13: Running SQR Reports

25. Task B-14: Checking the Database

26. Task B-15: Cleaning and Backing Up the Database

27. Shutdown, Backup Database After Creating

28. Install Tuxedo (Application Server)

29. Install BEA WebLogic 9.2 Web Server

30. Install PIA

31. Create Application Domain

32. Install PeopleTools PeopleBooks

33. Install Application PeopleBooks

34. Create Process Scheduler

35. Install COBOL compiler (and license)

36. Execute PTPATCH.DMS using Data Mover (8.49.15)

37. Apply project PATCH849 using Application Designer

38. Run DDDAUDIT, SYSAUDIT to verify system ok, troubleshoot if necessary

39. Shutdown all servers and backup PS_HOME

Invalid Access ID and password for signon


When logging on to Data Mover as a PeopleSoft user (PTDMO, VP1), the following error appears:

Invalid Access ID and password for signon -- see your security administrator.

In the Security Table Manager (Get) dialog box, the following message appears:

The database is at release 8.48. The PeopleTools being run require databases at release 8.49.


In Query Analyzer, check the PSSTATUS table:

select * from PSSTATUS

If the TOOLSREL column shows 8.48, then the scriptsrel849n.sql script must be run.

Obtaining PeopleTools 8.49.15

Log on to Metalink3 and click the Patches and Downloads tab. Click PeopleSoft Products. Enter the following search criteria:

Search for:
Product Line: PeopleTools
Product: PeopleTools
Release: 8.49

Check the Bundles checkbox.
Then click the search button (a right arrow).

Update ID: 768890
Name: PT 8.49.15 Product Patch



Errors while running createvw.dms

Errors while running createvw.dms:

Related language record RE_LANDLORD_LG used by record RE_LANDLORD not found. (20,52)
Related Language Record VCHR_SRCHLG1_VW used by VCHR_SRCHCRT_VW not found (20,52)
Related language record BI_SHP_LANG_VW used by record BI_SHP_ADDR_VW2 not found. (20,52)

Data Mover crashes out.


Did not perform step 10 of the PT 8.49.15 Product Patch User Documentation (https://psft-updates.oracle.com/ice/Resolutions/768890/PT84915UserDoc_rev2.htm). Using Application Designer, log on as user VP1 and copy project PATCH849. Then, in Data Mover, log on as VP1 and rerun CREATEVW.DMS.

10. Copy Patch Project – ONLY if PATCH849 exists –

Note: If no database changes have been made in PT 8.49 by the time this patch is released, the PATCH849 project will not exist in the projects folder and this step can be ignored.

a. Using PeopleTools 8.49.15, launch Application Designer, and sign on to the database as a PeopleSoft User. [VP1]
b. Select Tools > Copy Project > From File
c. Enter projects and select PATCH849 from the list of projects
d. Select Options and highlight the languages Common and English ONLY.
e. Select Copy to begin copying updated PeopleTools objects to your database.

After rerunning CREATEVW.DMS, the last four lines of the CREATEVW.LOG file shows:

SQL Views: 27267
Ended: Wed Dec 17 18:23:25 2008
Successful completion
Script Completed.

Other steps to try:

Stop SQL Server services and restart.
Log on as user VP1 when running createvw.dms



Restarting data mover after a crash
A data mover script can be restarted by coding in the DMS ‘set start after record name’ before the Import * command. If the record is name ps_tablename, then do not code the ‘ps_’, just code tablename.

Attempted to create views using Application Designer: In Application Designer, click Ctrl+F7 (Insert > Definitions from Project…), and search for all Records. Select All records and insert them into the current project (takes about 10 minutes to complete). Then click Build > Project and check only Create Views (modify other settings as necessary). Build the SQL script, and after creating,