Tag Archives: microsoft visual studio

R12 Visual Studio 2005 Setup


What Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 products were installed to be used with E-Business Suite R12.1 on Windows?


The following products were installed from Microsoft Visual Studio 2005:

1. Under Language Tools:
Visual C++:
Smart Device Programmability [probably not needed]
Visual C++ Tools
Visual C++ Run-Time Libraries
Visual C++ Class & Template Libraries

2. Under .NET Framework SDK:

Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 was installed to D:MSVS.

D:MSVSVC was the path used while installing E-Business Suite R12.1

D:MSVSVCbin was added to the PATH environment variable after D:cygwinbin (although the R12 installation guide did not state that it should be added).


cl.exe – Unable To Locate Component


After installing Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, placed the bin directory (D:MSVSVCbin) in the PATH environment variable. Then ran cl.exe. The following message appeared:

cl.exe - Unable To Locate Component
This application has failed to start because mspdb80.dll was not found. 
Re-installing the application may fix this problem.


Search for the following files:


They are under D:MSVSCommon7IDE.

Copy and paste them to the folder containing “cl.exe” (D:MSVSVCbin).



Installation Checklist for R12 on Windows 2003

Installation Checklist for R12 on Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition

Here are the steps I took while installing R12.1 Vision instance on Windows:

1. Install Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition on 30GB C: partition
2. Allocate static IP address for network connection and put entry into hosts file
3. Install Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2
4. Apply additional downloaded Windows updates from Microsoft
5. Create D: drive for downloads and additional applications
6. Create F: drive for database (146GB)
7. Create G: drive for EBS applications (146GB)
8. Ran ScanDisk on D: and F: (taking very long)
9. Installed Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 to D:MSVS (installed XML and Visual C, disabled all other applications).
10. Install Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1 ATL Security Update [ID 761567.1]
11. Add D:MSVSVCbin to PATH environment variable (in My Computer > Properties)
12. Downloaded gnumake fro MOS (patch 5897842) and unzipped [ID 761567.1]
13. Installed Cygwin to D:cygwin (downloaded all packages to local disk D:cygwin-install, then installed all packages to D:cygwin). [ID 414992.1]
14. Copied make-3.81WinRelgnumake.exe to D:cygwinbin [ID 414992.1]
15. Add D:cygwinbin to PATH environment variable (in My Computer > Properties) [ID 414992.1]
16. In D:cygwinbin, renamed make.exe to _make.exe and copied gnumake.exe to make.exe
17. Rename Cygwin’s rmdir executable (rmdir.exe) to _rmdir.exe [ID 414992.1]
18. In D:cygwinbin, renamed link.exe to _link.exe [ID 761567.1]
19. Staged R12.1 CDs to D:StageR12
20. Downloaded latest StartCD R12.1.1 startCD – RAPID INSTALL STARTCD (patch 11072566) [ID 798258.1]
21. In D:StageR12, renamed startCD to _startCD and unzipped patch 11072566 into this D:StageR12 to create new startCD
22. Opened Command Prompt and ran D:StageR12startCDDisk1rapidwizrapidwiz.cmd


New Configuration: Create a new configuration
Port Pool Number: 12
Database Type: Vision Demo Database
Database SID: VIS12
Host Name: appswindows2
Domain Name: domainname.com
Operating System: Windows (32-bit)
Database OS User: Administrator
(Database Node) Base directory: F:oracleVIS12
Data Top (ARCHIVE): G:oracleVIS12dbapps_stdata
UNIX Toolkit directory: D:cygwinbin
Visual Studio directory: D:MSVSVC
(Applications Node) Base Directory: G:oracleVIS12
(Applications Node) Instance Directory: G:oracleVIS12inst


1. If you encounter the following error:

RW-50004: Error code received when running external process. Check log file for details.
 Running APPL_TOP Install Driver for VIS12 instance

Edit $INST_TOP/temp/restart.xml and change “runProcess_2” to runProcess_2. Remember to kill the running Oracle Universal Installer before clicking Retry.

2. FRM-92050: Failed to connect to the Server: /forms/lservlet:-1

3. In Step 1 of 5

RC-00110: Fatal: Error occurred while relinking of ApplyDBTechStack


Log Files

Configuration file written to: G:oracleVIS12instappsVIS12_appswindows2conf_VIS12.txt
Configuration file written to: F:oracleVIS12dbtech_st11.1.0appsutilconf_VIS12.txt

Configuration file written to: G:oracleVIS12instappsVIS12_appswindows2conf_VIS12.txt
Configuration file written to: F:oracleVIS12dbtech_st11.1.0appsutilconf_VIS12.txt
Database logfile – F:oracleVIS12dbtech_st11.1.0appsutillogVIS12_appswindows29121000.log
Appltop logfile – G:oracleVIS12instappsVIS12_appswindows2logs9121000.log
Appltop logfile – G:oracleVIS12instappsVIS12_appswindows2logs9121000.log


Oracle E-Business Suite Installation and Upgrade Notes Release 12 (12.1.1) for Microsoft Windows Server (32-bit) [ID 761567.1]

Using Cygwin to Maintain Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 on Windows [ID 414992.1]

Oracle Applications Documentation Resources, Release 12.1 [ID 790942.1]

How to Remove an Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.x Windows Environment [ID 567507.1]