Tag Archives: Batch Server

Cloning PeopleSoft Instance

Here are the steps to clone the PeopleSoft instance:

1. Backup the database (FSDEV) and restore it to another name (FSTST)
2. Clear the GUID field in the PSOPTIONS table in FSTST
3. Set up ODBC connection for FSTST
4. Map PS_HOME network drive and run Configuration Manager to set up shortcuts, PS/nVision path names
5. Create new application server domain for FSTST
6. Create new batch server for FSTST
7. Stop web server and setup new PIA for FSTST
8. Start application server, batch server, web server and log on to FSTST.

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Starting PeopleSoft Services

Starting Application Server
To start the application server, log on to the gl-web-app server ( using Terminal Services Client. Open Command Prompt and enter the following commands (in bold red):

C:> E:
E:> cd PSOFTFS900appserv
E:PSOFTFS900appserv> psadmin.exe

Enter the following options:
1) Application Server
1) Administer a domain
1) Boot this domain
1) Boot (Serial Boot)

Starting Batch Server/Process Scheduler

To start the batch server, log on to the gl-web-app server ( using Terminal Services Client. Open Command Prompt and enter the following commands:

cd PSOFTFS900appserv

Enter the following options:
2) Process Scheduler
1) Start a Process Scheduler Server

Starting Web Server (BEA WebLogic)

To start the batch server, log on to the gl-web-app server ( using Terminal Services Client. Open Command Prompt and enter the following commands:

Cd PSOFTFS900webservfsdmobin

The final line shows:

Open a second Command Prompt and enter the following commands:

Cd PSOFTFS900webservfsdmobin
startManagedWebLogic.cmd PIA

The final line shows:

Starting Web Server (IBM WebSphere)

Single Node
cd /d E:PSOFTFS900webservfsdevbin
startserver.bat server1 -profileName fsdev

Multi Node
cd /d E:PSOFTFS900webservPIA_fsdmobin
startserver.bat server1 -profileName PIA_fsdmo