Tag Archives: AutoConfig - Page 2

AutoConfig taking long on database tier


Running AutoConfig on the database tier of the ebusinesstest machine takes long (over 20 minutes).


Log file (/u0/oracle/testdb/9.2.0/appsutil/log/TEST_ebusinesstest/03161419/adconfig.log) showed:

Starting synchronization of file system Context file and its templates with those in the database
Database connection     : Failed
OAM Context editing support feature: Unverified
OAM Customization support feature  : Unverified
File system template    : /u0/oracle/testdb/9.2.0/appsutil/template/adxdbctx.tmp
Checking for customizations to Context template
Warning: Unable to connect to Database.
If the system is OAM enabled, this may result in loss of customizations.
Looking for custom template at : /u0/oracle/testdb/9.2.0/appsutil/template/custom/adxdbctx.tmp
Custom template         : Not available
Customizations found    : None
File system Context file :/u0/oracle/testdb/9.2.0/appsutil/TEST_ebusinesstest.xml
Checking the Context file for possible updates from the Database
Warning: Unable to connect to Database.
If the system is OAM enabled, this may result in loss of customizations and the Context files in DataBase and in the file system may be unsynchronized

Edited context file (/u0/oracle/testdb/9.2.0/appsutil/TEST_ebusinesstest.xml) and changed domain name of machine from (s_domainname) ‘support.com’ to ‘illuminatnm.com’.

Reran AutoConfig on the database tier and it completed under one minute. ‘illuminatnm.com’ domain remains in context file.

Changing Domain Name in Oracle Applications 11i

This documentation shows how to change the network domain name of the server that houses an Oracle Applications 11i instance (ebusiness).

  1. Log on to the ebusiness server (either on the console or using VNC or PuTTY). Run the network system settings tool (Red Hat menu > System Settings > Network).

Change the server name from ebusiness.support.com to ebusiness. illuminatnm.com. Save the settings. Do not attempt to restart the network services using this tool, since it will disconnect the remote connection tool.

  1. Edit the context file $APPL_TOP/admin/TEST_ebusiness.xml and replace ‘support.com’ with ‘illuminatnm.com’. With vi, use this command:

Save the context file and exit the text editor.

  1. Stop the application tier services and then run AutoConfig on the database and application tiers:
cd /u0/oracle/testcomn/admin/scripts/TEST_ebusiness

On the database tier:

cd /u0/oracle/testdb/9.2.0
. TEST_ebusiness.env
cd /u0/oracle/testdb/9.2.0/appsutil/scripts/TEST_ebusiness

On the application tier:

cd /u0/oracle/testappl
cd /u0/oracle/testcomn/admin/scripts/TEST_ebusiness

Run the database tier and application tier AutoConfig processes in separate sessions (terminal windows).

  1. As the root user, update the hosts file on the server (/etc/hosts) to reflect the new host name:
x.x.x.x   ebusiness.illuminatnm.com   ebusiness
  1. As the root user, restart network services:
service network restart
  1. As the applmgr user, bounce the application tier services.
cd /u0/oracle/testcomn/admin/scripts/TEST_ebusiness
(wait five minutes)
  1. Log on to the E-Business TEST application on the client machine using the new URL:

If E-Business Suite does not launch properly, reboot the server. After booting, start the application tier services. Then log on to the TEST instance.

Metalink References:

Note: 177311.1 – How to Change Domain Name in Oracle Applications 11i

Note: 342332.1 – Troubleshooting Login Problems in Oracle Applications 11i (11.5.2 – 11.5.10+)

TNS Connectivity With Database Breaks Running Autoconfig (Cloning)


When running AutoConfig, it fails at 50% with the following error:


ORA-12224: TNS:no listener


Run the following, and then restart AutoConfig.

perl <AD_TOP>/bin/adgentns.pl appspass=<APPSpwd> contextfile=<CONTEXT> -removesystem

perl /u0/oracle/testappl/ad/11.5.0/bin/adgentns.pl appspass=APPS contextfile=/u0/oracle/testappl/admin/TEST_ebusinesstest.xml –removesystem


Subject:  TNS Connectivity With Database Breaks After Running Autoconfig

Doc ID:  Note:377764.1

1020  unzip -od /u0/oracle/testora/iAS/ /u0/patches/p5035661_11i_LINUX.zip

1021  . /u0/oracle/testappl/APPSTEST_ebusinesstest.env

1022  cd /u0/oracle/testora/iAS/appsoui/setup/

1023  perl OUIsetup.pl

1024  perl /u0/oracle/testappl/ad/11.5.0/bin/adgentns.pl appspass=APPS contextfile=/u0/oracle/testappl/admin/TEST_ebusinesstest.xml -removesystem

1025  cd /u0/oracle/testcomn/clone/bin/

1026  perl adcfgclone.pl appsTier

Error AC-50207 occurs while cloning


When running adcfgclone.cfg on the Apps tier, it completes with the following error:

Running Rapid Clone with command:

perl adclone.pl java=../jre/1.3.1 mode=apply stage=/u0/oracle/testcomn/c lone/bin/.. component=appsTier method=CUSTOM appctxtg=/u0/oracle/testappl/admin/ TEST_ebusinesstest.xml  showProgress contextValidated=true

Beginning application tier Apply – Thu Sep 18 14:33:30 2008

Log file located at /u0/oracle/testappl/admin/TEST_ebusinesstest/log/ApplyAppsTi er_09180233.log

–     50% completed

AC-50207: Fatal: Failed to execute one or more of the config tools during Contex t Value Management

Deactivating Context Value Management System.

Restored the Context file in :


Aborting the running of Context Value Management

Error occured before Context Value Management could be completed

|     50% completed       WARNING: AutoConfig completed with errors. Check log file at /u0/oracle/testappl/admin/TEST_ebusinesstest/log/ApplyAppsTier_09180233. log for details.

/u0/oracle/testappl/admin/TEST_ebusinesstest/log/ApplyAppsTier_09180233.log shows:

[AutoConfig Error Report]

The following report lists errors AutoConfig encountered during each

phase of its execution.  Errors are grouped by directory and phase.

The report format is:

<filename>  <phase>  <return code where appropriate>


AutoConfig could not successfully execute the following scripts:

Directory: /u0/oracle/testcomn/admin/install/TEST_ebusinesstest

adgentopfile.sh         INSTE8_SETUP       1

AutoConfig is exiting with status 1


Source the apps tier environment and run AutoConfig (/u0/oracle/testcomn/admin/scripts/TEST_ebusinesstest/adautocfg.sh)

Pre-Upgrade Checks On Production

1. Check the Invalid Objects in the existing Production Instance and Spool the output

2. Check the Size of existing SGA in Production

3. Check the Number of Tablespaces along with free space

4. Check the Number of Datafiles/Log/Control files in Production

5. Run Autoconfig on both Both Nodes just to make sure that autoconfig run successful on both nodes…Note: This must be done when users logout from application

6. Relink any Executable eg.FNDLIBR using adadmin or adrelink command on both nodes just to make sure that there is no relink issue for any module

7. Check the Installed or Shared Modules on existing Production Instance along with it Patch Level

8. Turn Off Archive Log mode

Note: Except step 5,6,8 spool the output and store it for further reference

Additional steps:

a. Obtain URL, port of instance

b. Obtain username and password of essential Oracle users (apps, system, sys) and OS users (applmgr, root)

c. Obtain username, password for user with System Administrator responsibility, to test concurrent programs (e.g. Active Users)

d. Determine and note location of database files, log files, control files, archive log files

e. Note location of top directories (APPL_TOP, COMMON_TOP, ORA_TOP, DB_TOP, DATA_TOP)

f. Determine status of archivelog mode (and turn off if necessary)

g. Record PERL location and version

h. Rerun AutoConfig on database, application tiers to ensure it is working

I. Run adrelink on database, application to ensure it is working

j. Source environment and ensure environment variables correct (e.g. APPLCSF)

k. Ensure UNIX commands available (cc, ld, make/gnumake, ar)

ojspcompile.pl Errors With ‘Xml File Not Found’

After running patch 4712852,

error! could not find autoconfigure’s XMLFILE

Solution: Metalink Doc ID: 374676.1 (Subject: Ojspcompile.pl Errors With ‘Xml File Not Found’ During Patching In a RAC Environment)

had the following solution:

To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

2. Retest.

This patch is included in patch 5759055, which will be applied next.


Rreran patch 4712852, perl -x /emca/PROD/prodappl/jtf/11.5.0/admin/scripts/ojspCompile.pl –compile –quiet
ran successfully.

Resolving REP-3000 Error

Problem: When the Active Users (PDF) report is run, it completes in error with the following log file:

Application Object Library: Version : 11.5.0 - Development
Copyright (c) 1979, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
FNDSCURSPDF module: Active Users (PDF)
Current system time is 17-JUL-2007 11:37:42
| Starting concurrent program execution...
APPLLCSP Environment Variable set to :
XENVIRONMENT is set to:  /u2/oracle/vis2ora/8.0.6/guicommon6/tk60/admin/Tk2Motif_UTF8.rgb
Current NLS_LANG and NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS Environment Variables are :
Spawned Process 27647
REP-3000: Internal error starting Oracle Toolkit.
REP-3000: Internal error starting Oracle Toolkit.
Report Builder: Release - Production on Tue Jul 17 11:37:53 2007
(c) Copyright 1999 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
Enter Username:
Program exited with status 1
Concurrent Manager encountered an error while running Oracle*Report for your concurrent request 3019814.
Review your concurrent request log and/or report output file for more detailed information.
Executing request completion options...
Finished executing request completion options.
Concurrent request completed
Current system time is 17-JUL-2007 11:38:06

Solution: Change the DISPLAY environment variable in Oracle Applications.

Log on to Oracle Applications Manager, and navigate to Site Map > AutoConfig.

There are two context files: one for the Database tier and the other for the Applications Tier. In the Applications tier row, click Edit Parameters. Click the Environments tab. Expand oa_environment:generic_service. Under X11 Display (s_display), change ‘hostname:0.0’ to ‘:0.0’. Save the changes. Then log out of Oracle Applications Manager.

The context file for the application tier must be regenerated. On the server, source the environment, stop the application tier services (adstpall.sh), run AutoConfig on the application tier (adconfig.sh), then restart the application tier services (adstrtal.sh).

Refer to:

Metalink Doc ID: Note: 181244.1

Subject:  Configuring VNC Or XVFB As The X Server For Applications 11i

Metalink Doc ID: Note: 200474.1

Subject:  Comprehensive REP-3000 Troubleshooting and Overview Guide

Cloning Multi Node To Single Node

This document briefly outlines the procedure for cloning an 11i multi node instance to a single node instance.

1. SOURCE Instance is split on 2 NODES:
SOURCE DB NODE – Both APPS and DB services installed on 1st Server
Application tier services are shut down
SOURCE APPS NODE – Both APPS and DB services installed on 2nd Server
Application tier services are started
2. TARGET instance is to be a single node (may be a new machine or one of the above)


Shut down the apps server
Start all services on db server
Run autoconfig to convert to instance to a single node
Run the preclone perl scripts
Copy files to new location
Convert source to 2 nodes by running autoconfig
Run clone scripts on Target

Cloning SOURCE Instance

1. Refer to the latest version of the cloning documentation on Metalink (Metalink Doc ID: 230672.1) to determine which patches to apply before cloning.

2. Shutdown the application server by running the adstpall.sh script:
cd /oraprod/oracle/prodcomn/admin/scripts/PROD_finsvr/
./adstpall.sh apps/apps

Log off source APPS node
Log on source DB node

Make multi node a single node to begin cloning.
1. cd /oraprod/oracle/prodcomn/admin/scripts/PROD_finsvr

2. Start all application services on database Source DB Node using adstrtal.sh:
cd /oraprod/oracle/prodcomn/admin/scripts/PROD_finsvr
./adstrtal.sh apps/apps

Even though the listener and concurrent manager are the only services started on PROD, you will need to ensure that you start ALL services. Verify that the Concurrent Manager is up.

3. Run autoconfig:
cd /oraprod/oracle/prodcomn/admin/scripts/PROD_finsvr

Read prompt carefully, choosing default responses where possible.

Migrating to AutoConfig on the Source DB Node (necessary only if a new rapid clone patch is applied).

4. cd /oraprod/oracle/prodappl/ad/11.5.0/bin (that is, $AD_TOP/bin)

Create appsutil.zip file:
perl admkappsutil.pl

appsutil.zip created in $APPL_TOP/admin/out

On the database tier (finmgr), copy or FTP the appsutil.zip file to the RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME.

5. Copy file appsutil.zip to /oraprod/oracle/proddb/9.2.0/*
unzip -o appsutil.zip

Generate and Apply AutoConfig Configuration files
This step performs the conversion to AutoConfig. Once completed, the previous configuration will not be available. The database server and the database listener must remain available during the AutoConfig run. All other database tier services should be shut down.

Warning: Running AutoConfig on the database node will update the RDBMS network listener file. Save the listener file before you run autoconfig.

7. Change directory to RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/bin
cd /oraprod/oracle/proddb/9.2.0/appsutil/bin

adconfig.sh contextfile=PROD_finmgr.xml appspass=apps*

8. Prepare the source system database tier for cloning
cd /oraprod/oracle/proddb/9.2.0/appsutil/scripts/PROD_finmgr (that is, $RBDMS_ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts/$CONTEXT_NAME
perl adpreclone.pl db Tier

9. Prepare the source system application tier for cloning
cd /oraprod/oracle/prodcomn/admin/scripts/PROD_finmgr (that is, $COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/$CONTEXT_NAME)
perl adpreclone appsTier

10. Stop all services (DB and APPS)
cd /oraprod/oracle/prodcomn/admin/scripts/PROD_finmgr/
./adstpall.sh apps/apps
Shutdown database listener (addlnctl.sh stop apps/apps)
Shutdown database (addbctl.sh stop apps/apps)
Or run the stopDB script in /oraprod/scripts (doing so will attempt to shut the services again)

11. Copy files
Create the respective folders on target node:

Copy the files from Source DB Node to Target Node. As root user, mount source node on target Node by editing /etc/exports on target node and adding the line where the source files are located (i.e. /oraprod/oracle).

Then restart NFS on the target server by entering the following command at the command prompt (as root user):
service nfs restart

12. On the target node (that is, where the clone is being created), do the following:
a. su – applmgr
b. cd /orapatch (new clone top directory)
c. mkdir prodfiles (where we want the files copied to)
d. su – root
e. Mount SOURCE directory onto TARGET directory
f. Copy the files using the operating system utilities

May need to ensure that the owner name and group of target directories are applmgr and dba respectively and not nfsmount.

To convert from single node to multi node:

Run autoconfig on Source Apps Node to make Source Instance 2 Node.

When a report is run on the target instance we get an error: “File server could not verify its initialization parameters when viewing output”. Patch 4244610 was applied, but this did not resolve the issue.

Removed spaces from listener.ora file in /orapatch/oracle/clonora/8.0.6/network/admin/clon_newtest/listener.ora. Removed all spaces near the APPLFSTT parameter. Removed everything and left reference to database alone. Bounce listener.

To change color and name, go to SysAdmin/ Security/Profile/System, under profile %Site%, change Site Name to new name. To change color, navigate to profile %Color% JavaColorScheme and Service:Visual Attributes for Settings where the colour can also be changed.