Tag Archives: AD_TOP

Relink Executables In AD_TOP


How do I relink executables in AD_TOP?


Run adrelink.sh from command line to relink all AD executables by performing the following steps:

Open new MS DOS prompt.
Change directory to APPL_TOP.
Run relink[CONTEXT_NAME].cmd where CONTEXT_NAME is set to the customer specific context name. For example, ‘$ relinkVIS_host1.cmd’ where CONTEXT_NAME IS ‘VIS_host1’.
Run the APPS.SH script, as in $ . ./APPS.SH
Run adrelink.sh to relink executables. For example: $ sh adrelink.sh force=y “ad all”

Enabling Maintenance Mode in SQL

Problem: Show how to enable or disable maintenance mode from SQL.

Solution: Run adsetmmd.sql

Step 1: Set up the environment by running APPSORA.env:


Step 2: Change directory to $AD_TOP/patch/115/sql/:

cd $AD_TOP/patch/115/sql/

Step 3: Run the SQL script:

sqlplus apps/apps @adsetmmd.sql ENABLE | DISABLE

Step 4: Bounce the Apache Web listener. (adapcctl.sh)

See Metalink Note: 291901.1 (Subject:  Maintenance Mode – A New Feature in 11.5.10)