Monthly Archives: September 2013 - Page 3

FAILED: File xlaraslg4.sql While Running Patch 6678700

Problem: While running patch 6678700, the following error occurs:

FAILED: file xlaraslg4.sql on worker  1.

Check adwork001.log  for more information regarding the error:

sqlplus -s APPS/***** @D:\oracle\MFGPR12\apps\apps_st\appl\xla\12.0.0\patch\115\sql\xlaraslg4.sql &un_ax

Program exited with status 1

Cause: The program terminated, returning status code 1.
Action: Check your installation manual for the meaning of this code on this operating system.DECLARE
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-20100: glraslg4.sql: status_code=SETUP_PL_SLA_OPTIONS error_msg=ORA-20001:
-: XLA-95103: An internal error occurred.  Please inform your system 
administrator or support representative that:
An internal error has occurred in the program xla_acct_setup_pkg.insert_launch_options.  
ORA-01658: unable to create INITIAL extent for segment in tablespace APPS_TS_SEED.
ORA-06512: at line 97

Solution: Add another datafile to APPS_TS_SEED tablespace:

select * from dba_data_files where tablespace_name = 'APPS_TS_SEED';

alter tablespace apps_ts_seed add datafile 


FAILED: File GMIG3MIB.sql While Running Patch 6678700

Problem: While running patch 6678700, the following error occurs:

FAILED: file GMIG3MIB.sql on worker  1.

Solution: If OPM is not used, the script is not relevant and can be skipped.

If the table IC_LOCT_INV doesn’t exist or the query below returns no rows, the script can be ignored.

select whse_code,migrated_ind,count(*) from
where loct_onhand <>0 or
loct_onhand2 <>0
group by whse_code,migrated_ind;

Use adctrl option 8 to skip and restart.

Reference: GMIG3MIB.sql Is Stuck While Applying 12.1.1 Upgrade Patch 6678700 (Doc ID 1550457.1)

FAILED: File jaircvdff.sql While Running Patch 6678700

Problem: While running patch 6678700, the following error occurs:

FAILED: file jaircvdff.sql on worker  1.

Check adworker log in D:\ORACLE\MFGPR12\apps\apps_st\appl\admin\MFGP\log.

Solution: The cause of the issue is wrong parameter passed to script. Source the database tier environment and change directory to D:\ORACLE\MFGPR12\apps\apps_st\appl\ja\12.0.0\sql. Run jaircvff.sql and provide the following parameters while running the script manually:-

Enter value for 3: 1

Enter value for 4: 1

Enter value for 1: PO

Enter value for 2: 1000

Once the script completes successfully then skip the worker using adctrl and continue with patching.

Reference: JAIRCVDFF.SQL FAILS ON 12.1.1 UPGRADE PATCH 6678700 (Doc ID 1473255.1)

FAILED: File igipayup.sql While Running Patch 6678700


ERROR: While running patch 6678700, the following error occurs:

FAILED: file igipayup.sql on worker  1.

Check adworker log in D:\ORACLE\MFGPR12\apps\apps_st\appl\admin\MFGP\log.


To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1. The error message you are seeing indicates that the table IGI_UPGRADE_LOG does not exist. Verify this is true by running the following command:


2. Assuming that the table does not exist, look in %IGI_TOP%/patch/115/odf and see if you have a file called ‘igiupg.odf’ in there.

3. If the file exists, use the utility ‘adodfcmp’ to create the missing table.

4. If the file does not exist, download and unzip the patch:10074551:R12.IGI.B and copy ‘igiupg.odf’ into directory $IGI_TOP/patch/115/odf

5. To create the missing object(s) use the following commands:

adodfcmp userid=IGI/igi touser=APPS/apps priv_schema=SYSTEM/manager changedb=YES odffile=%IGI_TOP%\patch\115\odf\igiupg.odf mode=sequences
adodfcmp userid=IGI/igi touser=APPS/apps priv_schema=SYSTEM/manager changedb=YES odffile=%IGI_TOP%\patch\115\odf\igiupg.odf mode=tables

6. Use adctrl (option 2) to continue patch 6678700 from the point of failure and run the script IGIPAYUP.sql.

Reference: R12 Upgrade Patch 6678700 Failed In IGIPAYUP.sql With INSERT INTO IGI_UPGRADE_LOG ORA-00942 Table Or View Does Not Exist (Doc ID 1489757.1)

Relink Fails After R12 Upgrade

Problem: After laying down R12 file system, unable to relink applications while applying patches.

Solution: Set environment variable MSVCPP to location of Visual C++ 2008:


Note that forward slashes (‘/’) should be used in the path for this environment variable.


ORA-00401: the value for parameter compatible is not supported by this release

Problem: After laying down R12 filesystem and starting up the database, the following error occurs:

SQL> startup
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 1071333376 bytes
Fixed Size                  1352100 bytes
Variable Size             427822684 bytes
Database Buffers          629145600 bytes
Redo Buffers               13012992 bytes
ORA-00205: error in identifying control file, check alert log for more info
SQL> startup pfile=D:\ORACLE\MFGP\mfgpdb\11.2.0\database\initMFGP.ora
ORA-00401: the value for parameter compatible is not supported by this release

Solution: Oracle Database 11.1.0 comes bundled with R12 and the Oracle Service was created using the 11.1.0 Oracle Home. However, the database was upgraded to 11.2.0. Delete the Oracle service (OracleServiceMFGP) using oradim, and recreate using the oradim in the 11.2.0 Oracle home.



Patch cannot be applied to your current release

Problem: While running patch 9491976 during R12 upgrade, the following error occurs:

AutoPatch error:
adprdf(): At line 3 in file G:\patches\9491976\u9491976.drv:

This patch cannot be applied to your current release.

Patch's intended release is "12.0.0"
Your   current   release is ""

Solution: Apply patch 9491976 with option ‘preinstall=y’.


ORA-01017 When Running Re-create grants and synonyms

Problem: When running “Recreate grants and synonyms”, the following error occurs:

Enter the password for your 'SYSTEM' ORACLE schema: 
Connecting to SYSTEM......Unable to connect. 
AD Administration error: 
The following ORACLE error: 
ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied

Solution: If you are able to connect to the database as the SYSTEM user, then set sec_case_sensitive_logon initialization parameter to false.

AC-20001: Error: LOCAL not defined in the Environment

Problem: When running AutoConfig on the database tier, the following error occurs:

Starting context file generation for db tier..
Using JVM from D:\ORACLE\MFGP\mfgpdb\11.2.0\jdk\bin\java to execute java programs..
AC-20001: Error: LOCAL not defined in the Environment. 
This value must be set to complete Context file generation.

Solution: Set the LOCAL environment variable to the Oracle SID e.g. SET LOCAL=PROD. Then rerun AutoConfig.

FAILED: file icxwtab.odf on worker 1

Problem: While running patch 6241631, the following error occurs:

FAILED: file icxwtab.odf  on worker  1.

Attempted to run ICXDLTMP.SQL, but it gave an error:

HAVING count(*)>1;

-------------- ----------
    2119244000          2

select rowid, creation_date, transaction_id, session_id
from icx_transactions
where transaction_id='2119244000';

delete from icx_transactions where rowid = 'AAA74DAAjAAAe7dAAq';

Solution: There is a duplicate transaction_id in the icx.icx_transactions.

HAVING count(*)>1;

-------------- ----------
    2119244000          2

select rowid, creation_date, transaction_id, session_id
from icx_transactions
where transaction_id='2119244000';

delete from icx_transactions where rowid = 'AAA74DAAjAAAe7dAAq';