Monthly Archives: September 2008 - Page 3

adogjf() Unable to generate jar files under JAVA_TOP


While applying patch 6502082, the patch completes in error with the following message:

ERROR: Javakey subcommand exited with status 1
Javakey standard output:
Copyright (c) 2002 Oracle Corporation
Redwood Shores, California, USA
AD Java Key Generation
Version 11.5.0
NOTE: You may not use this utility for custom development
unless you have written permission from Oracle Corporation.
Javakey error output:
Reading product information from file...
Reading language and territory information from file...
Reading language information from applUS.txt ...
Reading language information from applUS.txt ...
Successfully created javaVersionFile.
TEST_hrms not found in database.
java key error:
adjava -ms128m -mx256m -gs /u0/oracle/prodcomn/java/oracle/apps/pon/jar/ponam.jar.tmp /u0/oracle/prodcomn/java/oracle/apps/pon/jar/ponam.jar.uns
The above Java program failed with error code 1.
Assigned: file adpcpset.pls on worker  1 for product ad  username APPLSYS.


  1. Source the apps tier environment (APPSORA.env) and run adjkey –l
[applmgr@ebusiness 6502082]$ adjkey -l
Copyright (c) 2002 Oracle Corporation
Redwood Shores, California, USA
AD Java Key Generation
Version 11.5.0
NOTE: You may not use this utility for custom development
unless you have written permission from Oracle Corporation.
Reading product information from file...
Reading language and territory information from file...
Reading language information from applUS.txt ...
Successfully created javaVersionFile.
Scope:, source file: /home/applmgr/identitydb.obj
java key is complete.
  1. Rename the identitydb.obj file in /home/applmgr
  2. Run: adjkey –initialize to create a new certificate
[applmgr@ebusiness 6502082]$ mv /home/applmgr/identitydb.obj /home/applmgr/identitydb.obj.20080909a
[applmgr@ebusiness 6502082]$ adjkey -initialize
Copyright (c) 2002 Oracle Corporation
Redwood Shores, California, USA
AD Java Key Generation
Version 11.5.0
NOTE: You may not use this utility for custom development
unless you have written permission from Oracle Corporation.
Reading product information from file...
Reading language and territory information from file...
Reading language information from applUS.txt ...
Successfully created javaVersionFile.
AD Java Key will now create a signing entity for you.
Please enter the name of the entity you wish to create [Customer] :
After creating the signing entity, a certificate will
be created for signing jar files locally.  You can specify an
organization to be used in identifying the certificate.
Please specify an organization to be assigned to the certificate [DEFAULT_ORG] :
Created identity [Signer]Customer[identitydb.obj][trusted]
Generated DSA keys for Customer (strength: 512).
Generated certificate from directive file /u0/oracle/prodappl/admin/out/adcert.txt.
Your digital signature has been created successfully and
imported into the javakey identity database. This signature
will now be used to sign Applications JAR files whenever
they are patched.
IMPORTANT: If you have multiple web servers, you must copy
files to each of the remaining web servers on your site.
See the documentation reference for more information.
java key is complete.


Note 141692.1 – How to Install a Digital Certificate in Oracle Applications Release 11i

Note 365735.1 – How to use, create and/or update Digital Certificates for 11i Applications

Grants missing after applying patch 6502082

Problem: The following error occurs when applying patch 6502082 for the second time:

AutoPatch error:

Your database is missing important grants on SYS objects.

To fix this:

1) Log on as the database server owner, and set your environment for maintaining your database server.  Create a directory called $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/admin and copy $APPL_TOP/admin/adgrants.sql to that directory.

2) Connect to the database as the SYS user and run adgrants.sql passing the name of the schema containing FND tables. For example, if the schema that contains FND tables in your database is called APPLSYS, you would run adgrants.sql as follows:

$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/admin

$ sqlplus /nolog

SQL> connect / as sysdba

SQL> @adgrants.sql APPLSYS

Solution: Perform steps listed above