Category Archives: Linux

RC-20200: Fatal: Could not find Unzip When Installing EBS R12

Problem: While installing EBS R12.1 on Linux x86-64, the following error appears:

"Processing Disk1....

RC-20200: Fatal: Could not find Unzip. At this time only Native UnZip 5.X is supported.

Please make sure you have UnZip 5.X in your path and try again...

Cannot execute Install for database ORACLE_HOME

RW-50010: Error: - script has returned an error:   1
RW-50004: Error code received when running external process.  Check log file for details.
Running Database Install Driver for TEST instance"

Solution: As root user, rename the default unzip (/usr/bin/unzip) to a temporary filename (e.g. /usr/bin/unzip-ver6), perform the installation, and then rename unzip-ver6 to the original name when complete.

# mv /usr/bin/unzip /usr/bin/unzip-ver6

Reference: R12 Rapid Install Failing With “RC-20200: Fatal: Could not find Unzip. At this time only Native UnZip 5.X is supported.” (Doc ID 1455077.1)


SEVERE: Failed to allocate port(s) in the specified range(s)


When creating the Enterprise Manager Database Control repository, the following error is displayed:

SEVERE: Failed to allocate port(s) in the specified range(s) for the following process(es): 
JMS [5540-5559],RMI [5520-5539],Database Control [5500-5519],EM Agent [3938] | [1830-1849]


Ensure that the IP address and hostname are correctly set, as well as the ORACLE_HOSTNAME environment variable.

Web Cache Configuration Assistant fails, cannot open shared object file


On CentOS 5.8, when installing 10g OEM Grid Control, the Web Cache Configuration Assistant fails.


ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/

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perl: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: Permission denied


While installing R12 on Linux, the following error appears:

perl: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object 
file: Permission denied

General Solution:

– As per an internal Bug:4045349, this is an issue with O/S side installation of compat-db rpm. gets installed when compat-db rpm is installed.

– The O/S installation CD would contain compat-db
e.g compat-db-4.1.25-6.i386.rpm ( may change as per your version ).

– Manually install the compat-db rpm
e..g “rpm -ivh compat-db-4.1.25-6.i386.rpm”
(Contact the O/S Administrator for more information to install the compat-db rpm and correct  command )

– Once it is done, re-try to install the applications. ( if the screen shows the Re-try option )


– Remove/clean the current installation ( refer Note:169402.1 ) and re-install the application.

This would resolve the “…” error.

Solution in this situation:

[root@oel5vis4bi lib]# pwd
[root@oel5vis4bi lib]# ls -al libdb.*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   22 Mar 22 15:01 -> ../../lib/
-rwxr-x--- 1 root root 5825 Jul  2 11:53
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5825 Mar 23 11:40
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   19 Mar 23 11:42 -> /usr/lib/
[root@oel5vis4bi lib]# extracted from patch 6078836

Change permission on to 644:

chmod 644


11.5.10 Installation Fail on RedHat Server. Error while loading shared libraries: [ID 294043.1]

rm: cannot lstat file: Input/output error


While attempting to remove a file on Linux, the message ‘rm: cannot lstat file: Input/output error’ appears:

[applmgr@oel5vis3 applmgr]$ cd /u01/VIS3/oracle/vis3db/9.2.0/oem_webstage/oracle/sysman/vbo/vbos
[applmgr@oel5vis3 vbos]$ ls -ltr
total 16
?--------- ? ?       ?      ?            ? VbosLobStorage.class
?--------- ? ?       ?      ?            ? VbosLobSQLList.class
?--------- ? ?       ?      ?            ? VbosLobOperations.class
-rw-r--r-- 1 applmgr dba    0 Apr 26  2002 VbosDimensionOperations.class
-rw-r--r-- 1 applmgr dba    0 Apr 26  2002 VbosArrayTypeOperations.class
-rw-r--r-- 1 applmgr dba    0 Apr 26  2002 VbosClusterOperations.class
-rw-r--r-- 1 applmgr dba    0 Apr 26  2002 VbosDBLinkOperations.class
-rw-r--r-- 1 applmgr dba    0 Apr 26  2002 VbosIndexOperations.class
-rw-r--r-- 1 applmgr dba    0 Apr 26  2002 VbosJavaObjectHelper.class
-rw-r--r-- 1 applmgr dba    0 Apr 26  2002 VbosJavaObjectOperations.class
-rw-r--r-- 1 applmgr dba    0 Apr 26  2002 VbosJavaSourceOperations.class
-rw-r--r-- 1 applmgr dba    0 Apr 26  2002 VbosJavaClassOperations.class
-rw-r--r-- 1 applmgr dba    0 Apr 26  2002 VbosLob.class
[applmgr@oel5vis3 vbos]$ rm VbosLobOperations.class 
rm: cannot remove `VbosLobOperations.class': Input/output error
[applmgr@oel5vis3 vbos]$ rm -f VbosLobOperations.class 
rm: cannot remove `VbosLobOperations.class': Input/output error
[applmgr@oel5vis3 vbos]$ touch VbosLobOperations.class
touch: cannot touch `VbosLobOperations.class': Input/output error


Unmount partition with bad file and run fsck on partition (may need to exit Terminal window and open new Terminal window).


RW-20003: Error: Unzip failed: unknown reason


While installing a Vision instance of, the following errors appears:

RW-20003: Error: Unzip failed: unknown reason.
Check log file for details.

General solution:

Verify file owner and group settings for EBS staging area.
Redownload, restage installation media from DVD or E-Delivery.
Verify MD5 checksums for files downloaded from E-Delivery.

Solution (in this case):

/u00/Stage11i/oraApps/Disk4/appl/stage/ corrupt. Restage.

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JDK for Linux SQL Developer


After installing SQL Developer on Linux, which Java JDK should be installed?


On the Java SE Downloads page (, locate the Java SE Development Kit 6 Update 31 section (, and download and install the Linux version of the JDK:

Linux x86 (32-bit)    77.07 MB        jdk-6u31-linux-i586-rpm.bin

File /etc/oratab is not accessible.


After installing 11g on Oracle Linux 5, the database was not automatically created. After exiting OUI and manually running dbca, the following error appears:

File /etc/oratab is not accessible.


The script was not run. Log on as the root user and then run $ORACLE_HOME/ (usually /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/

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Creating additional Linux swapfile


After installing Linux in a virtual machine, the memory is increased from 512MB to 1536MB. The swap file must be increased as well, but there is no additional hard drive space or partitions to increase the swap partition.


Create a new swap file:

1. As the root user, create a 3072MB swap file (block size=1024 bytes, count=1024*3072 blocks):

dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile1 bs=1024 count=3145728

2. Create swap file in swapfile1:

mkswap /swapfile1

3. Set file permissions for swapfile1:

chmod 0600 /swapfile1

4. Turn on swapfile:

swapon /swapfile1

5. Add swapfile to fstab:

Edit /etc/fstab and add the following line:

/swapfile1 swap swap defaults 0 0


-bash: ulimit: open files: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted


While following online instructions for installing E-Business Suite, it is advised to add the following code to /etc/profile:

if [ $USER = "oracle" ]; then
 if [ $SHELL = "/bin/ksh" ]; then
 ulimit -p 16384
 ulimit -n 65536
 ulimit -u 16384 -n 65536

However, when a user logs on, the following message appears:

-bash: ulimit: open files: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted


Set the limits in /etc/security/limits.conf, not /etc/profile. Follow E-Business Suite installation documentation on My Oracle Support, not online!