Monthly Archives: September 2008 - Page 2

Configuring NFS to copy files

Configuring NFS to copy database files from PROD to TEST (Cloning)


Need to configure NFS to copy files from PROD to TEST.


On ebusinesstest (TEST) server, use the NFS tool to create the /etc/exports file with the following data:

/u0/oracle/testdata      *(rw,sync)

On ebusiness (PROD) server, log on as the root user and mount the exported directory:

mkdir /mnt/tempdata

mount -t nfs ebusinesstest:/u0/oracle/testdata /mnt/testdata/

oraInst.loc points to an Inventory that does not exist (Cloning)


/etc/oraInst.loc points to an Inventory that does not exist:

mkdir : No such file or directory at ./ line 1274

ERROR: Failed to execute ./


As root user, ran /tmp/

Reran clone again, but it failed.

The root directory had completely filled up because the backup was restored to /oracle and not /u0/oracle. Removed /oracle, then reran /tmp/ and tried script again.

sh: command not found (Cloning)


When trying to clone Illuminat TEST database, the following error occurred:

sh: command not found


  1. Add the directory with the PERL executable to the path (added . to the path, so that #2 will not occur).
  2. Instead of:

perl dbTier


perl ./ dbTier

Troubleshooting Custom Reports

Running Report from Command Prompt

To run the pay_register.rdf custom report from the Command Prompt, enter the following command at the prompt:

C:> C:oracleproduct10.2.0db_2binrwbuilder.exe report="C:Documents and Settingsuser01DesktopReports Tuning Issuetest.aippay_register.rdf" userid=apps/ tracemode=TRACE_APPEND tracefile=c:temppay_register01.txt traceopts=(trace_SQL,TRACE_PLS,trace_prf,trace_tms)

The report loads in Reports Builder.

1. Compile the packages by typing Shift+Ctrl+K.

2. Run the Paper Layout version of the report by Shift+Ctrl+R.

3. In the Payroll ID parameter field, enter 112.

4. In the Pay Advice Date field, enter 2003/08/29.

Running SQL Code in SQL Developer

1. Open the report in Reports Developer and double-click on the Data Model icon (not word).

2. Double-click the Q_1 box. The SQL code for the Q_1 query appears.

3. Copy all the SQL code and run it in SQL Developer.

4. For the p_payroll_id, enter 112

5. For the p_pay_advice_date, enter 29-AUG-2003

Validation Error occurred


When trying to set up Workflow Notifications in Oracle Application Manager, the following error occurred:

Validation error occurred. Please check indicated fields below.


Log on as user SYSADMIN and set up the workflow.

Run the $FND_TOP/sql/wfver.sql script.

Yellow bar appears on forms


When the Java forms are launched, a yellow bar appears at the bottom of the form with the message ‘Warning: applet window’


Digital certificate recreated while applying patch (see “adogjf() Unable to generate jar files under JAVA_TOP”)


Log on to the server as the applmgr user and perform the following steps:

  1. cd $APPL_TOP/admin
  2. adjkey –initialize
  3. /u0/oracle/testcomn/util/jinitiator/ /u0/oracle/testcomn/util/jinitiator/jinit11816.exe
  4. Force regeneration of the JAR files
  5. De-install JInitiator from Windows client
  6. Load E-Business Suite and launch the Java forms


Note 141692.1 – How to Install a Digital Certificate in Oracle Applications Release 11i

Note 365735.1 – How to use, create and/or update Digital Certificates for 11i Applications

Introduction to Public-Key Cryptography (

Responsibilities not appearing after patching


After logging on to the E-Business Suite PROD instance, all the responsibilities have disappeared.


In adadmin, enable maintenance mode. Exit adadmin. Run adadmin again and disable maintenance mode.

Error occurred while compiling application flexfields


While compiling flexfields using adadmin, the following message appears:

Deleting existing compiled flexfield information.
Compiling all application flexfields.
/u0/oracle/prodappl/fnd/11.5.0/bin/fdfcmp APPS/***** 0 Y
An error occurred while compiling application flexfields.
Continue as if it were successful [No] :


Exit adadmin, and then recompile flexfields using adadmin once more.


This document shows how to use JavaKey.

  1. To display help for javakey, enter the command without any parameters:
 [applmgr@ebusinesstest u0]$ javakey
        l       list of the identities in the database.
        c       create an new identity.
        r       remove an identity from the database.
        i       import a public key, a key pair, etc.
        g       generate a key pair, a certificate, etc.
        d       display a certficate.
for more information, see documentation.
[applmgr@ebusinesstest u0]$
  1. To list all identities in the database, enter javakey l:
[applmgr@ebusinesstest u0]$ javakey l
Scope:, source file: /home/applmgr/identitydb.obj
[applmgr@ebusinesstest u0]$
  1. To create a new identity in the database, enter javakey c <newidentity>:
[applmgr@ebusinesstest u0]$ javakey c TestVS1
Created identity TestVS1[identitydb.obj][not trusted]
[applmgr@ebusinesstest u0]$ javakey c OracleApplications
An error occured trying to add OracleApplications to, source file: /home/applmgr/identitydb.obj[name conflict]
[applmgr@ebusinesstest u0]$

Invalid responsibility running patch 3262159


When running patch 3262159, the following message appears:

ATTENTION: All workers either have failed or are waiting:
FAILED: file FNDLIBR      on worker  1.
ATTENTION: Please fix the above failed worker(s) so the manager can continue.
Checked adwork001.log:
/u0/oracle/prodappl/fnd/11.5.0/bin/FNDLIBR FND FNDCPBWV &ui_apps SYSADMIN 'System Administrator' SYSADMIN
List of errors encountered:
_ 1 _
Please enter a valid responsibility.  The responsibility System
Administrator does not exist or is not active.  Check that the correct
application short name is specified for your responsibility.
AD Worker error:
The above program failed with error code 1.
See the AD Worker log file and/or the program log file for details.


In adctrl, used option 8 to skip the worker. Needed to disable, then enable maintenance mode. Then sourced the environment and ran:

/u0/oracle/prodappl/fnd/11.5.0/bin/FNDLIBR FND FNDCPBWV apps/apps SYSADMIN ‘System Administrator’ SYSADMIN


Note 259319.1 – Adpatch Fails With Sysadmin Does Not Exist Or Not Active